Osteopathic Consultation £70
Osteopathic Treatment £55
Student/ U16 Consultation £60
Student/ U16 Treatment £45
Massage (1HR) £70
the clinic accepts bacs, cash, card and cheque payments.
All cheque should be made payable to:
'Chesham osteopathic clinic LTD'
ASK your practitioner if you can claim through health insurance.
please give atleast 24 HRS notice for all cancellations. late cancellations and missed appointments will be charged the full amount
thank you
Courses of treatment may vary in length between patients as each case is different. You should expect to have made significant improvements within four treatments. Some conditions may require occasional check ups (e.g every 6-8 weeks) to maintain the body in good condition and a pain free state.
The type of treatment you receive will usually include some soft tissue massage, join mobilisation and sometimes high velocity thrusts. In addition you may be given exercises and stretches to perform at home which will help you.
Following a treatment you may experience some discomfort. DO NOT WORRY, this is entirely normal and is known as a treatment reaction. In the event of such a reaction, regularly apply a cold pack to the area of pain for 10-20 minutes. The treatment reaction should not last any longer than 24-48 hours. If the pain persists, contact your practitioner for advice.
As healthcare professionals we are always searching for new ways to improve patients comfort and satisfaction. Should you have any suggestions please let us know!